SITE ADDRESS. Christchurch Meadows, George Street, Reading, RG4 8BY

CAMPING. There is no festival camping.

FOUND CHILDREN. Please report any missing or found children to the Festival security team, box office or Readipop staff in the Family Area.

SMOKING is not allowed inside any tent or structure.

MEDICS. Experienced medics with an ambulance are on site to o er first aid. They are located near the main entrance.

FOOD & DRINK. We have a great selection of food on site including fresh pizza, burgers, tasty Indian food, noodles and ice cream. The main bar has a selection of beers, cider and more. No opened soft drinks or alcohol can be brought into the festival arena. You can leave them with security and collect them later if you wish.

TOILETS. Facilities including disabled toilets and baby changing facilities are available across the site.

WATER. Free drinking water can be found at the festival information stall in the Family Area.

DISABLED ACCESS. Paved level access is available from Gosbrook Road and Wolsey Road. Access is also available via Hills Meadow car park along the river and under the bridge.

DOGS. Only guide dogs are allowed in the festival site.

Please help us keep Readipop Festival tidy by disposing of your litter responsibly.
There are plenty of bins on site.Please use them, or take your rubbish home. Our waste is all sorted at the depot to ensure that the recycling is done!

LOST PROPERTY. Any lost property can be reported to the security team or box office staff. If you arrive home and find you are missing something, please email with your contact details and details of the item.

CRIME PREVENTION. Large gatherings of people at festivals can provide easy pickings for thieves. Be alert and don’t present thieves with easy opportunities by keeping your belongings with you at all times.

FIRE SAFETY. BBQs and fires are not permitted anywhere on site. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the site next to each of the stages and attractions. Please be aware of dry parched ground in hot weather and make sure cigarettes are properly extinguished.

In the event of an emergency please contact a member of security or our stewarding team who can be identified by a Team Readipop t-shirt or Readipop lanyard. If you need to contact Thames Valley Police to report a non-emergency crime (such as a stolen phone) or to provide information on a crime whilst attending the Festival, please call 101. In an emergency call 999 and inform security. It is an emergency if a crime is being committed, there is a risk of injury or a risk of serious damage to property.

TRAVEL. Reading Rail station is 5 minutes from the site over the new bridge.There are bus stops nearby on George Street and Gosbrook Road.

PARKING. Hills Meadow car park is nearby on George Street. Access the site via the riverside path under Reading Bridge.