Reading CAN – What Next?
A Reading Culture and Arts Networking event coordinated by Readipop and Jelly and supported by Artswork.
Please join us to review the networking programme progress to date and consult on the future purpose and practical operation of Reading CAN.4-5pm Reading CAN – What Next?
1. Recap of progress to date
3. Sharing of outcomes agreed with Artswork (5 minutes)
3. Outcomes/goals practical activity to identify
– areas of need
– network based support and solutions
– priorities for external support and fundingBook here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reading-can-what-next-tickets-13722689935
– areas of need
– network based support and solutions
– priorities for external support and fundingBook here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reading-can-what-next-tickets-13722689935
3.30PM – arrive, Tea and Coffee
4PM – What Next?
5PM – Followed by informal networking, tea and cake. Please bring stuff to share – current work, projects, events, ideas…
Reading CAN:
It has been 18 months since we first launched Reading CAN and it is the time to invite everyone back together at South Street to hear what has been happening and discuss plans for the future.
This will be a great opportunity to get up to speed with what the Reading CAN has delivered to date, a reminder of our intended outcomes/goals, and an opportunity to discuss ideas on how we can all work together.
We would love to pull some ideas together for an event for young people in 2016, as part of Reading’s “Year of Culture”.
From 5pm onwards please stay for tea, cake and networking. We also know that not everyone will be able to make the meeting because of time and childcare issues but please pop along when you can – we will be there until 6pm
The purpose of the network is to bring artists, arts and cultural organisations together to coordinate and improve Reading’s cultural offer for children and young people. The 5 priority network outcomes/goal areas we’d like to hear your views on are:
– An improvement in Reading’s cultural offer to children and young people, particularly for ‘hard to reach’ young people and areas of low opportunity.
– Reading based culture and arts organisations to work together to initiate and access funding for children and young people’s cultural provision.
– Create and support new partnerships to develop new work focusing on a cultural offer for children and young people in Reading.
– Work with key Reading schools to embed Artsmark and work with partners to support Arts Award opportunities for CYP in Reading.
– Support and embed young people’s voice in the development of the Reading cultural offer.
If you can’t make it please follow this link to share your thoughts so they can be included in the discussions.