Cultural life – The state of the arts in Reading?
An event to talk about the future of the arts and culture in Reading.
In recent months, Reading Borough Council has been consulting the public about culture in Reading to inform a new cultural strategy. The Local Strategic Partnership met in the summer of 2014 to talk about the Reading’s cultural life and concluded that there is a lot going on in Reading but that more needs to be done to promote and celebrate it. The Arts Council of England has begun to look at Reading as there is a strong case to develop the arts in Reading to help build an arts sector in balance with its economic strength. Readipop and Jelly have also been working with partners to develop Reading CAN a networking programme to help develop and promote Reading’s cultural offer for young people.
An idea has emerged to hold a ‘year of culture’ in 2016 under the banner “Made In Reading” and to create a badge/brand to promote creative work that is made in Reading.
The event aims to bring together artists, arts organisations, creative people, and those who support and facilitate the work to share and discuss our ideas for Reading’s cultural future and to think and talk about how a 2016 year of culture can help.
The day will include
- Networking opportunities
- Facilitated ‘Open Space’ discussion sessions
- A chance to meet and talk with those involved so far with 2016
- The opportunity to shape the arts and culture plans for 2016
- Lunch, tea, coffee and biscuits!
The event will:
- Create better awareness of arts organisations plans for the future
- Consult to inform Reading’s cultural strategy.
- Promote collaborations between Reading based arts and set some plans in motion
- Inspire artist led ideas for 2016
This is an opportunity for us, the creative community of Reading, to come together to share our vision for the future of Reading and to help influence the plans and policies of those so want support us.
Please join in!
Book here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cultural-life-the-state-of-the-arts-in-reading-tickets-14842178355
Read more about Reading’s cultural strategy consultation here
Read the Made in Reading press report here
This event is coordinated by Readipop in partnership with Jelly, Beautiful Creatures, Reading Fringe and Reading Rep. The venue has been kindly supplied free by the University of Reading and the event costs are supported by The Cultural Partnership and Reading Borough Council.